Celestial Geometries - July 21st, 2016
Lunar Geometries
1) - Mercury at Lunar Opposition
2) - Venus at Lunar Opposition
3) - Mars at Lunar E. Elongation
4) - Jupiter at Lunar 150 Degrees
Lunar and Geocentric Combinational Geoemtries
(1) - Venus and Mercury at Geocentric Conjunction
(2) - Jupiter and Neptune at Geocentric Opposition
Solar Magnetic Field
Earth is in the Negative Magnetic field solar field stream.
NOTE: Mercury is in a Negative portion of the Solar wind stream as well, HOWEVER it is Dia-Magnetic, so it then resonates the opposite polarity as the incoming field stream. So when resonating, which today is resonating the opposite of the negative field, which then causes it to BOOST the incoming magnetic field from Jupiter, when combined with the Lunar Magnetic resonance factor of it's current geometries with the other Celestial Bodies of our Solar System.