Celestial Geometries - July 22nd, 2016
Lunar Geometries
1) - Moon at 150 Degrees of the Sun
2) - Jupiter at Lunar 150 Degrees
3) - Saturn at Lunar E. Elong
Lunar + Geocentric Combinations of Geometries
1) - Jupiter and Neptune at Geocentric Opposition
Solar Magnetic Fields
Earth, Moon, and Mars in the Solar Negative Magnetic Field
NOTE: Mercury and Venus Geocentrically Conjoined (from the perspective of the Earth), and BOTH are in the Negative Magnetic field, SOOOOO this means that Mercury will be resonating POSITIVELY, so we will see a mix of magnetic Positvie and Negative areas
BUT: Mostly Negative incoming Magnetic fields, so this is why the USGS earthquake numbers have dropped below 24-28 quakes in a 24 hour period, BECAUSE OF LACK OF SEISMOGRAPH DEPLOYMENTS in the areas currently under seismic turbullence.