M4.2 - 54km W of Ovalle, ChileChile 4_2 - USGS - 07232016Chile 4_2 - UTC conversion - 07232016Chile 4_2 - Skyview - 07232016 Date = 2016-07-22Time = 19:45:46 UTCMagnitude = 4.2mLocation = 30.680°S 71.763°WDepth = 32.5 kmLocal Time = 07/22 @ 15:45 pm.Drivers:Jupiter at 150 degrees from the Moon
Chile 4_2 - USGS - 07232016Chile 4_2 - UTC conversion - 07232016Chile 4_2 - Skyview - 07232016 Date = 2016-07-22Time = 19:45:46 UTCMagnitude = 4.2mLocation = 30.680°S 71.763°WDepth = 32.5 kmLocal Time = 07/22 @ 15:45 pm.Drivers:Jupiter at 150 degrees from the Moon