M6.1 - South Indian OceanIndian Ocean 6_1 - USGSIndian Ocean 6_1 - skyviewLunar Geometries + Solar Magnetics7 day Lunar Forecast Date = 2016-08-01Time = 07:42:50 UTCLocation = 23.962°S 82.479°EDepth = 10.0 kmMagnitude = 6.1m Drivers:Saturn Rise at 120 degrees from the Moon
Indian Ocean 6_1 - USGSIndian Ocean 6_1 - skyviewLunar Geometries + Solar Magnetics7 day Lunar Forecast Date = 2016-08-01Time = 07:42:50 UTCLocation = 23.962°S 82.479°EDepth = 10.0 kmMagnitude = 6.1m Drivers:Saturn Rise at 120 degrees from the Moon