Celestial Geometries - August 4th, 2016
Date = Thursday, August 4, 2016
Time = 16:27:13 UTC
Lunar Geometries
1) - Mercury at Lunar Conj
2) - Venus at Lunar Conj
3) - Saturn at Lunar W. Elong
4) - Uranus at Lunar 150 Degrees
5) - Neptune at Lunar Opposition
Lunar + Geocentric Combinational Geometries
1) - Mars and Saturn at Geocentric Conjunction
2) - Venus and Mercury at Geocentric Conjunction
3) - Mercury and Neptune at Geocentric Opposition
4) - Jupiter and Neptune at Geocentric Opposition
Solar Magnetics
- Earths Moon and Mars are in the Positive Solar Magnetic stream
- Mercury is in the Solar Negative stream, and resonating Positively (Dia-Magnetic)
NOTE: Mercury's magnetic resonance factor is stronger due to Jupiter's incoming magnetic field, which is also Positive