M6.1 - 48km WSW of La Quiaca, ArgentinaArgentina 6_1 - USGSArgentina 6_1 - SkyviewLunar geoemtries and Solar Magnetics Time = 2016-08-04 Date = 14:15:11 UTCMagnitude = 6.1mLocation = 22.328°S 65.997°WDepth = 254.0 km Drivers:Uranus at 150 degrees from the Moon
Argentina 6_1 - USGSArgentina 6_1 - SkyviewLunar geoemtries and Solar Magnetics Time = 2016-08-04 Date = 14:15:11 UTCMagnitude = 6.1mLocation = 22.328°S 65.997°WDepth = 254.0 km Drivers:Uranus at 150 degrees from the Moon