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Gordon Rutherford

USGS Earthquake Analysis - August 4th, 2016

USGS DATA downloaded


DATE = 08/04/2016

TIME = 21:55:00 UTC

Number of quakes >2.5m = 30

Number of ALL QUAKES = 306

Epicenter Magnetic Polarity


Totals Percentage

RED (20) ..........66.67%

GREEN (3) ......10.00%

BLUE (7) ..........23.33%

Highest Magnitude Quake


Depth = 516.74

Magnitude = 6.2

UTC Time = 16:24:3466

Location = km ENE of Iwo Jima, Japan

Deepest Quake


Depth = 517

Magnitude = 6.2

UTC Time = 16:24:3466km

Location = ENE of Iwo Jima, Japan

Lunar Geometries


1) - Mercury at Lunar Conj

2) - Venus at Lunar Conj

3) - Saturn at Lunar W. Elong

4) - Uranus at Lunar 150 Degrees

5) - Neptune at Lunar Opposition

Lunar + Geocentric Combinational Geometries


1) - Mars and Saturn at Geocentric Conjunction

2) - Venus and Mercury at Geocentric Conjunction

3) - Mercury and Neptune at Geocentric Opposition

4) - Jupiter and Neptune at Geocentric Opposition

Solar Magnetics


- Earths Moon and Mars are in the Positive Solar Magnetic stream

- Mercury is in the Solar Negative stream, and resonating Positively (Dia-Magnetic)

NOTE: Mercury's magnetic resonance factor is stronger due to Jupiter's incoming magnetic field, which is also Positive

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