M 5.2 - NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGEMid-atlantic Ridge 5_2 - EMSCMid-atlantic Ridge 5_2 - SkyviewLunar geometries and Solar MagneticsCelestial Geometries Date =2016-08-05 Time = 17:49:35.6 UTC Magnitude = 5.2mLocation = 14.66 N ; 44.95 W Depth = 33 km Drivers:Uranus at 150 degrees from the Moon
Mid-atlantic Ridge 5_2 - EMSCMid-atlantic Ridge 5_2 - SkyviewLunar geometries and Solar MagneticsCelestial Geometries Date =2016-08-05 Time = 17:49:35.6 UTC Magnitude = 5.2mLocation = 14.66 N ; 44.95 W Depth = 33 km Drivers:Uranus at 150 degrees from the Moon