M5.0 - Southwest of Sumatra, IndonesiaIndonesia 5_0 - USGSIndonesia 5_0 - SkyviewLunar geometries and Solar MagneticsCelestial Geometries Date = 2016-08-05 Time = 09:40:56 UTC Magnitude = 5.0mLocation = 5.978°S 100.325°E Depth = 35.0 km Drivers:Neptune at Lunar Opposition
Indonesia 5_0 - USGSIndonesia 5_0 - SkyviewLunar geometries and Solar MagneticsCelestial Geometries Date = 2016-08-05 Time = 09:40:56 UTC Magnitude = 5.0mLocation = 5.978°S 100.325°E Depth = 35.0 km Drivers:Neptune at Lunar Opposition