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Gordon Rutherford

USGS Earthquake Analysis - August 12th, 2016

USGS DATA downloaded


DATE = 08/12/2016

TIME = 14:56:35UTC

Number of quakes >2.5m = 44

Number of ALL QUAKES = 213

Epicenter Magnetic Polarity


Totals ...................Percentage

RED (26) .....................59.09%

GREEN (7) ..................15.91%

BLUE (11) ...................25.00%

Highest Magnitude Quake


Depth = 9.95

Magnitude = 7.2

UTC Time = 01:26:35

Location = 109km E of Ile Hunter, New Caledonia

Deepest Quake


Depth = 484.69

Magnitude = 4.5

UTC Time = 04:27:56

Location = 265km WNW of Chichi-shima, Japan

Lunar Geometries


1) - Mercury at Lunar E. Elong

2) - Venus at Lunar E. Elong

3) - Mars at Lunar Conj

4) - Saturn at Lunar Conj

5) - Uranus at Lunar 120 Degrees

6) - Neptune at Lunar W. Elong

Combinational Geometries


1) - Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter at Geocentric Conjunction

2) - Mars and Saturn at Geocentric Conjunction

3) - Neptune in Gecentric Opposition to Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus

Solar Magnetics


Data aged, from 08/10/2016, NOT UPDATED

--> But if you look at the Wind speed and Density, you can CLEARLY see that we are in the Magnetic Positive Rotating Field.

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