M5.7 - 54km ENE of Bowen, AustraliaQueensland 5_7 - USGSQueensland 5_7 - SkyviewLunar Geometries and Solar MagneticsLunar Geometries Date = 2016-08-18 Time = 04:30:08 UTC Magnitude = 5.7mLocation = 19.859°S 148.726°E Depth = 7.8 km Drivers:Jupiter at 150 degrees from the Moon
Queensland 5_7 - USGSQueensland 5_7 - SkyviewLunar Geometries and Solar MagneticsLunar Geometries Date = 2016-08-18 Time = 04:30:08 UTC Magnitude = 5.7mLocation = 19.859°S 148.726°E Depth = 7.8 km Drivers:Jupiter at 150 degrees from the Moon