M4.7 - 52km NW of Ndoi Island, FijiFiji 4_7m - SkyviewFiji 4_7m - USGSHeliocentric GeometriesGeocentric Geometries Date = 2016-09-20Time = 19:46:33 UTCMagnitude = 4.7mLocation = 20.271°S 179.004°WDepth = 657.1 km Drivers:Moon approaching 120 degrees from Sun and Jupiter Conjoined
Fiji 4_7m - SkyviewFiji 4_7m - USGSHeliocentric GeometriesGeocentric Geometries Date = 2016-09-20Time = 19:46:33 UTCMagnitude = 4.7mLocation = 20.271°S 179.004°WDepth = 657.1 km Drivers:Moon approaching 120 degrees from Sun and Jupiter Conjoined